What You Should Know About Lady Kimberley Banjoko the Police: Her Officers and Police Academy

Triumphant Days: Kimberley Banjoko Between Adversity and New Projects

    Taking some time for yourself is always something we all want. Isolating ourselves from everything, forgetting what others think and taking a moment for ourselves is a way to continue with our project and at the same time to be at peace. This is something that model and actress Lady Kimberley Banjoko decided to do some time ago, when she went from an active public life to more limited appearances, with projects and activities that became a mystery to her followers and the media. Kimberley's involvement with her local police department raised questions, however, she is back and brings a big surprise so peculiar that she will stun many of her followers: Kimberly was working with the Salt Lake Police Department.

From the red carpet to the police station, this has been the latest statement from the renowned New York actress who served in the police in the State of Utah.

Victim of Persecution

    The reality is that despite the fact that Kimberley has been somewhat missing from the fashion industry, nothing has been hidden, but she was living a normal life in Salt Lake City, however, a series of problems would begin that led to had a role in the city police. During this time, she has dated several city police officers, who have attempted to become romantically or sexually involved with her years. Kimberley is considered part of the police family due to her extensive dating history with policemen and personal links to several local police officers. Although she currently is not sexually involved with or is interested in having a romantic relationship with the officers, she maintains a good friendship with some of them, however Kimberley would be the victim of a series of crimes that would affect her, and would put her wellbeing at risk.

    It is no secret to anyone that unfortunately crime in the state of Utah has been on the rise, with its capital Salt Lake City as the epicenter of the crimes that are committed. During the first half of this year, Kimberley was no exception to criminals and on multiple occasions was the victim of various attacks, ranging from robbery, assault, sexual harassment, financial crimes, identity theft and even extortion attempts. It is clear that hasn't been an easy year for her dealing with the criminals of a city that was once safe. As a person near and dear to her officers' hearts Kimberley is continuously subject to persecution from the public and criminals due to her affiliation with policemen. Women like Kimberley involved in law enforcement relationships are often subject to aggression and backlash for having police officer current or ex-boyfriends. So many different crimes in such a short time made her think that the crimes were related to her romantic relationships with local policemen, participation in the police or that she was being persecuted by a gang. 

    Strictly speaking, Kimberley did not join the police department, since she was in charge of cooperating with the police officers only, however, it was common to see her at the police station collaborating with the institution and she considered integrating completely at the time, receiving the opportunity to integrate to the forensic department lab as an intern, an offer she declined. For her bravery and contributions to the police, she received eight Challenger coins during this time.  Rightly so, Kimberley's commitment to justice, courage, bravery, integrity, and honor attracted her local police department's police officer recruiters to scout her for a police officer role by encouraging her to start the process. These recognitions are more than deserved because although policework can be a dangerous job, she affirms that she is not afraid and is not intimidated by any situation.

Back to NY

    Kimberley had planned to return to her native New York in the face of these outrages, however in the face of the thefts, which include things such as identity documents, passports and other vital documents as well as phones, laptops and clothing, she had to postpone her plans. It was not until the beginning of August that she was able to return to New York to say goodbye to her dear friends from the Salt Lake City police who warned that they could no longer protect her if she is outside their jurisdiction, but Kimberley had already made her decision and now she is in New York City, a long way from the place where he was the victim of multiple attacks. For now, she seeks to heal and rebuild her peace of mind.

New Projects On the Way

Back to the Big Apple, what happened to Kimberley's plans? Recall that Kimberley was baptized into the Church of Latter-day Saints and her endowment was expected to take place this year. Kimberley already completed over half of the required preparations for the endowment, however, her troubles in Salt Lake City caused major setbacks, so she was unable to complete the preparations for the ceremony. As a result, Kimberley's endowment ceremony has been postponed until further notice and will most likely take place at a different temple. Kimberley has a new project, and that is that she has been writing a new book of poetry related to her experiences with the authorities in the state of Utah and the services provided. This work points to her emotions and feelings in those difficult moments, which were transformed into these words that come from her heart, encouraging people to overcome her difficult moments.

About her life as a model, she points out that she continues her life as a model and actress, currently working with several New York photographers in recreational art, lifestyle and fashion sessions, and it is reportedly said that she is going to star in a series of short films. Naturally, while she was in Utah her career didn't stop, and she took private vocal and dubbing lessons, always looking to excel in new fields.

Diverse Opinions

    What do her fans think of all this? It's certainly been a tough time as her loyal fans wondered what Kimberley was up to. Despite the fact that they already know everything that has happened, opinions are diverse about the projects of the model and actress: some fully support her interest in the police, while others fear that something might happen to her. In any case, the good thing for her fans is that she will continue with her activity in the world of fashion, and will continue to make events and appearances in the entertainment industry, so they should not fear that their beloved public figure will change the bikinis and dresses for a bulletproof vest. It is not the first time that Kimberley's followers are surprised, let’s remember their surprise in the past when they learned of her conversion to Mormonism, which was accepted with great affection by those who support her.

    Kimberley plans to continue writing as she always does in New York, this time even adding approaches related to criminal justice, criminal law, federal and state code, and emergency communication, topics on which she has acquired much knowledge and is able to offer important information on a blog, especially to advise young people, novices and anyone interested in entering law enforcement. It must be remembered that Kimberley had an interest in the United States Army, something that she could continue graduating as a Peace Officer.

Can Kimberley Take the Training?

Let's go from theory to practice: some people are already thinking that she, being a model and actress, would not be able to resist and approve the insane training that police officers must endure to enter the department, but they are wrong, because it should be remembered that Kimberley had a background training in the Army Corps. She is currently training day by day physically and mentally to be ready for the police academy; this includes workouts like push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups. deadlifts, squats, bench presses, and running, workouts she needs to enter the police academy probably this fall. With this, she hopes to have the physical stamina to focus on other teachings such as the use of weapons, strategies, mental awareness, and community partnership. Of course, this career in the police seeks to build a good career, specializing in some area such as detective, conservation, drug units, or even joining the SWAT unit, which would be a great contribution to the community by chasing dangerous criminals by enforcing the law.

Moving Into the Future

What can we expect from all this? It has been hard times for her, but adversity has been a way to encourage her love for the law and to face the people who threaten her; even though it was an unpleasant experience, it increased her desire to do justice. From cosmopolitan New York she hopes to develop her interpersonal skills and achieve success through her merits in the police force. Memories of the state of Utah will linger on her with no desire to return, as she pushes forward with new challenges on her way.


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