A Divine Love Story (an autobiography)
An Angel
a Human
In Love
by Kimberley Banjoko
An honorable, responsible, and law-abiding angel is assigned to me, a human being, an adventurous woman living my best life and enjoying myself every time I can. My angel, being a guardian angel to me, has the responsibility of ensuring that I am safe despite being young and curious. One night, trying to run away from my worries, I get attacked and stranded. My angel being an honorable and responsible guardian angel is around pretending to revel in the cold, dark, damp place I was left, while, in the real sense, he is keeping an eye on me. I am too weak to find my way to safety, but fortunately, my angel is there to save me and take me home. My angel was sent to the world to protect a me, so my guardian angel got romantically involved with me, but we are unsure of how to proceed right now because I keep trying to break up with him. He wants to take things slow with me, while I want to trailblaze. I was unaware that he was truly my guardian when I committed to him, and now we are both feeling confused about our relationship's future.
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